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Lalitha Sahasranamam 149

Monday Sep 06, 2010

Monday Sep 06, 2010

This podcast is about saraswathi, the godess of knowledge.I have given a gist of her birth,her leelas,her depiction the vedas and how she is described in the other religions.

Lalitha Sahasranamam - 148

Thursday Sep 02, 2010

Thursday Sep 02, 2010

148.Nithya Shuddha.- She who is forever clean.This sentence is made only for us to understand what really purity means.

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Sunday Jun 20, 2010

Sunday Jun 20, 2010

Today's podcast is about the word Nirasraya which means – She who does not need support.I have looked into incidents, which has given us the confidence in life to take responsibilities and be independent irrespective of the circumstances.I have showed her as a mother,wife and as a working woman with responsibilities like us and how beautifully she handles them in her stride and how she has built in confidence in ourselves through these instances.

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Saturday Jun 12, 2010

Saturday Jun 12, 2010

Today's podcast is about the word Nishprapancha .The question that is on everyone's mind is Why do we call her Nishprapancha? Who is this Maha Sakthi? where does she come from?.I have tried to answer these  questions and much more.
Hope you enjoy it.

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Saturday Jun 05, 2010

Saturday Jun 05, 2010

In this pod cast I have quoted brahma and vishnu's words about devi and her powers.hope you like it.

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